LoPryz – Telangana
Producers: Farmers, Artisans, Cottage industries.
Consumers: Buyers with need/ extra income
- Creation of trust based buyer groups. Some of whom maybe resellers.
- Create producer end SHGs, FPCs.
- Provide a technology platform to allow sellers to display & buyers access to goods.
- Provide need based two-tier transport facilities.
- Supply chain automation and tracking.
- Handle the payment cycle.
- Transparent Complaint Redressal and feedback mechanism.
- Stocking goods locally to meet off-season demand.
LoPryz allows for the following Self-employment opportunities
- Stockist at each block level.
- Truck Driver engagement up to two per block. Use of EV vehicles.
- Inter district transport vehicle @ one round trip per week.
- NGO engagement via Capacity building & training initiatives.
- Local stores with urban goods @ one per 350-400 families.
The creation with proper oversight of this kind of infrastructure can give the following benefits to entrepreneurs in Telangana with 33 districts and 584 mandals, for each mandal,
- 20 self-employed/ micro businesses
- 60 new and sustainable jobs
- ₹30 lakhs direct addition to the local economy
Support needed – ₹85 cr over a 3 year roll-out. Repayable in 8 years.
- Stockist – ₹35 lakhs
- Collector vehicle – ₹ 6 lakhs
- Large truck – ₹80 lakhs with National permit
- Technology platform: ₹95 lakhs
- Local store – ₹90,000
- NGOs – ₹3,15,000 yearly.
This will lead to a net increase of about ₹450 cr annually to the economy on an annual basis. This will happen as a result of greater integration with rest of India. LoPryz has signed up with abc brand to accelerate work. eShanya is the brand name of NEWays , a name that has a good recall in all states of North East and Maharashtra.
Participating agencies
- NEWays – Project owner and main implementation agency.
- Sen4ngos – knowledge and technology partner
- Company1 – primary economic driver in District HQ
- LeadIndia – Capacity building & training
- Nabard/ Bank – Financing, audit, …
- Company2 -primary economic driver in Hyderabad.
- NGOs at block/ village levels
Few points to understand better,
👉 Distance between two districts.
👉 Align with Present system of collection
👉 Training combined in nearby 5 villages
👉 Processing and value addition of food
👉 Other crop or wild products processing.
👉 Agriculture and Handicrafts
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